Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The world Amateur Radio Day is celebrated every year on 18th April to commemorate the formation of International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) on this day in 1925 at Paris.

The Quilon Amateur Radio League (QARL ) celebrates the event every year on 18th April or the nearest Sunday by conducting HAMFAIR. This year the programme will be held on Sunday, the 17th April. Lake City Contest and VHF Fox Hunt are also held in connection with the Amateur Radio Day celebrations.

A special issue of ‘QARL News’ will also be published on this occasion. You are requested to contribute articles and advertisements well in advance.

The QARL invite you along with your family and friends to participate in the programme and make it a grand success.

Prgramme Schedule :


The Lake City phone contest will be conducted from 5.00 P.M on 12/3/2011 to 5.00 P.M on 13/3/2011. The contest will be for 7 MHz only. The participant will get one point for each contact including DX contact. Copy of log may be sent to: The Quilon Amateur Radio League, P.O.Box No.335, Kollam – 691 001 OR by e.mail to vu2syt@yahoo.com so as to reach on or before 31/3/201.

2. QARL 15th Kerala VHF Fox Hunt :

The QARL 15th Kerala VHF Fox Hunt will be conducted on 16 April, 2011 at 2.00 PM. Venue: Jaladarshini, Thevally, Kollam. Fox hunt is open to all hams and SWLS. The CSD rolling shields will be awarded to the team leaders of the first three winning teams, in addition to cash awards and certificates. The participating teams are requested to register with the secretary by post or over telephone in advance.

3. HAM FAIR, 2011

The HAMFAIR 2011 will be conducted on 17th April 2011 at Jaladarshini mini Auditorium,Thevally, Kollam. Registration of delegates will start by 09.00 am and the Inauguration & Prize distribution will start by 10.00am Chief Gust will be Smt. S.Lalithambika, District Collector, Kollam. The Exhibition will be 11.30 am to 4.00pm (Exhibition and sale of new as well as old wireless equipments and components are arranged)

for more information visit http://www.vu2qar.com

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